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International Remembrance Day 2021 “Memory in The Living Room”

27. Januar 2021, 16:00 Uhr

International Remembrance Day 2021 “Memory in The Living Room” (Zikaron Ba Salon)

In Kiryat Tivon with its sister cities Braunschweig, Compiegne, Cakovec

You are invited to join us, in a virtual on line ceremony, and listen to Mr. Yoram Igael of Kiryat Tivon, who will present anecdotes of the life of his mother, the late Mrs. Avivah Igael nee Simon, who survived the Holocaust in a most extraordinary way. The presentation is in English with Hebrew subtitles. You can join the event via Facebook:


  • Uri Themal will introduce the program and guide the ceremony.
  • Music – a song performed by Amnon Riback and his guitar
  • Yoram Igael will present anecdotes of the life of his mother, the late Mrs. Avivah Igael nee Simon, who survived the Holocaust in a most extraordinary way. The presentation is in English with Hebrew subtitles.
  • Music – another song Performed by Amnon Riback
  • Discussion – Participants can ask questions or add short comments. Representatives from our twin cities who would like to add a few words of greetings, will be invited by Uri Themal
  • Music another song performed by Amnon Riback
  • Summary and Closing

Teilnahmemöglichkeiten: An der Veranstaltung kann über Facebook (s.o.) teilgenommen werden. Bei Interesse an einer Teilnahme via Zoom, senden Sie Ihre E-Mail bitte an: Dort erhalten Sie die Zugangsdaten.


27. Januar 2021
16:00 Uhr


Stadt Braunschweig
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